Novel Biocatalysts for the Production of
Workplan A large and diverse
collection of enzymes will first be established
by sampling natural environments and by the
mining of public (meta)genome databases. This
enzyme collection will then be screened for
activity on a variety of representative acceptor
substrates from different chemical classes. This
will allow the identification of the most
promising biocatalysts for optimisation through
(semi-)rational and random mutagenesis. The
high-throughput screening of both natural and
variant enzymes will be performed with newly
developed fluorescent probes, that allow fast
and accurate measurements of carbohydrate-active
enzymes in a direct and non-destructive assay.
The economic potential of our technology will be
demonstrated by the development and scale-up of
selected glycosylation reactions at pilot-plant
facilities. The produced glycosides will then be
actively marketed to potential end-users to
promote the valorisation of the project’s
results and to initiate future collaborations on
novel target compounds.